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Haiku Warrior
Haiku Warrior

From the creator of Drinking Quest... A Tabletop RPG told entirely through Haiku. A haiku is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world. Why Haiku? The 5-7-5 haiku structure is built on nuance and minimalism... it seemed like a great fit for the solo engine I was working on. From there, variant rules for up to four players were added. The Drinking Quest games were very loud and obnoxious, this game is kind of quiet and introspective. Both games are pretty funny and have a lighthearted tone. How easy is Haiku Warrior to learn? It’s more complex than the Drinking Quest games but still much easier than say the Dungeons & Dragons beginners box. Set-up is very quick and the cards act as the GM. The game has differently themed quests where you’ll be fighting monsters, finding treasure, foraging for food and visiting the shop. After playing through six increasingly difficult quests whoever has collected the most souls at the end of the game wins! In a one-player game you’re given a chart of scores to see how well you did. The game may lavish praise upon you for scoring well or make fun of you for scoring poorly. There are four pre-made characters included and each of the six quests is always randomized so there are all kinds of re-playable variables. Each quest is made up of Six monsters, one fruit card, one boot card, one hat card and one weather card. You only use 3 - 5 cards per quest (depending on # of players) and they're always shuffled so you don't know which ones you'll get. Every play-through is different! The themes of the six quests are: * Water: Full of Ghost Ships, Insanity Squids and Upset Sea Gulls * Garden: Battle Yaks, Epic Snails and the ever creepy Watching Squirrels * Flame: Camp Fire Mimics, Lava Demons and Wicked Candles * Thunder: Imapaling unicorns, Bright Knights and Storm Gargoyles * Snow: Chill Goblins, Lone Wolves and Freezing Pain * Heaven: Sky Whales, Sublime Slimes and the dreaded Unemployed Seraphs Also each quest has a different DRAGON BOSS! The story is told in an abstract way through Haiku so a lot of the story will be filled in with your imagination! There are simple game mechanics that are easy to both learn and play in the same sitting. Fight monsters, find boots and hats, and forage for food while taking in all the nuance and cunning of Haiku!

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30.00 €

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